Farms and Staking
Information about Turtle Farm and Turtle Pools
Last updated
Information about Turtle Farm and Turtle Pools
Last updated
Liquidity Providers can earn CARBO by locking their LP tokens into a smart contract. This added incentive means to address the risk of impermanent loss that is part and parcel of providing liquidity in a DEX.
The CarboSwap Turtle Farm APR calculations include the rewards earned through being a liquidity provider and the rewards earned through staking LP Tokens.
The rewards are generated per minute and distributed to each user based on their deposited amount at the end of each minute.
Let's say that in the APT/CARBO farming pool, 0.03 CARBO is generated as the reward per minute.
After an hour, 1.8 CARBO are distributed to users based both on the amount they deposited and how long they deposited for.
If John deposited 10 APT/CARBO LP and Harris deposited 15 APT/CARBO LP, of the 1.8 CARBO distributed as rewards, John gets 0.72 CARBO and Harris gets 1.08 CARBO. As more users lock more LP tokens, the APR will drop according to the proportion in which these new tokens are added.
Go to your chosen farm and press on the expand button:
After that, you'll have to enable the smart contract. You can now stake your LP tokens and select the amount you want to stake by pressing on this button:
And that's as easy as it gets: you're ready to harvest your CARBO rewards will taking advantage of trading fee rewards coming from your LP tokens.
Turtle pools are the easiest way to let your tokens earn for you by staking them. And we have made them available for you in the most convenient possible way: all you have to do is just stake tokens to earn CARBO.
You can earn high interest paid out in CARBO from these pools however we have applied a paperhand fee that will entierly fund the insurance pool.
after a week
10% -> 5%
after a month
5% -> 1%
after 3 months
1% -> 0.5%
These fees are only applied to the CARBO Turtle Pool, and only acknowledge your initial deposits - not the passive income.
If you want to learn more about token emission for Turtle Pools and Turtle Farms, please read our Tokenomics.
Our security strategy is built around using existing battle-tested open-source contracts as the core components of our project. These core contracts are the ones that hold the majority of the project’s funds. These contracts, e.g. the SushiSwap farm, have secured large amounts of funds successfully for a long time; therefore, they are essentially proven secure.
Smart-contracts will get entirely audited by a company before public launch, and we shall share the results of this Audit on all of our Socials.
We have multiple levels of authority for restricted functions. The majority of restricted function calls will be conducted with accounts with the lowest level of authority necessary. The higher risk function will be time-locked after launch so that they cannot be called without time to cancel the transaction in the event of a malicious attack.